A share in AGA gives you access to Apax Private Equity funds and a smaller portfolio of carefully selected debt investments.

The private equity funds make investments in mostly private companies globally.

NAV per share
Share price
Data as of 2025-01-14 10:38:58 GMT (minimum 20-minute delay)

Why invest in AGA?

Access to a portfolio of hidden gems


“All weather” investment strategy


Supported by a robust balance sheet


5-year annualised Total NAV Return per share

As at 30/09/2024

Annual dividend per share per annum

The investment advisor

Apax is a leading global private equity advisory firm.

It specialises in three sectors: technology, services, and internet/consumer.

The Apax Funds' strategy is to identify and invest in 'hidden gems': businesses that can be made stronger and more valuable through operational improvements.

Learn more about Apax